A couple weeks ago I had the privilege to go with my wife on a date and see the movie The Help. I didn’t think it would be a privilege at the time and in my mind this would be one of those “take one for the team” movies.
I couldn’t have been more wrong though. Now, I’ll admit I’m somewhat emotional when it comes to two things – movies done well and my kids. This was a very well done movie that had me laughing, tearing up (no gushing…) and angry.

While the movie is based on a fictional work, the subject matter is historical and based in fact. The story follows a Southern white women who finds injustice being done to black maids who work for white families and being an author she decides to write about their plight to try and help the situation.

I think the reason this movie stirred my emotions so much is because I am a lover of justice and when total injustice is done to any human being the natural reaction is that something needs to be done. The other reason it resonated so much with me is that these things didn’t happen 100 years ago in some foreign country but rather less then 50 years ago and only a few states away.

While I can’t imagine ever participating in something like that I was challenged that racism is a product of our pride which is rooted down deep in our hearts and manifests itself in various ways.

Its so important to realize that every person is made in the image of God, loved by God, and therefore has infinite value in His eyes. Knowing that I want to work to stamp out racism in all facets of life and to call others out when I see it or hear it.

This movie gets a 5 Star rating and is an “Own It” movie.
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Why it gets 5 stars. Its very entertaining and moved me more emotionally that any movie I can remember in recent history and its a movie I want my kids to see for the historical context.

If you’re not familiar with my ratings they are as follows:

1 Star ⋆- Horrible – don’t see it, don’t speak of it, try not to even think about it. Movies with one star make me throw up in my mouth a little. Examples include: The Talented Mr Ripley

2 Stars ⋆ ⋆ – Blah. Skip it. There is no reason why you should see this movie unless the only thing left to do is watch paint dry. On second thought, that would probably be more interesting.

3 Stars ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ – Decent. Rent it or stream it.

4 Stars ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ – Very Good. See it in the theater if possible. Tell your friends about it. Post about it on Facebook. Gush a little.

5 Stars ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ – Excellent, Incredible, Three thumbs up. Own it. In todays world, I like most people don’t buy many movies any more. Its a rare occasion for me and only those movies that move me in a major way or are incredibly cool make the cut.